
Please click the title of project to see Code and more detail!!

[Transporting livestock monitoring system Vue & Node.js]

Build an application that allows stakeholders to monitor their livestocks during tansporting

  • Build front end side with Vuex and Vuex-router
  • Set up server side in Digtal Ocean using Docker
  • Requests to server via Restful API
  • Use Crossbar for requesting data(Asynchronous)
  • Authenticate user input using Vuetify
  • Save data to Mongodb using Mongoose
  • Manage version using GitHub

Stock Trading Game_ Vue & Firebase, 2018

This application is a stock trading game. You can buy and sell stocks to get the money.

  • Built front end side with Vuex and Vuex-router
  • Requested to server via RESTful Web Service using Firebase
  • Authorised users using Firebase
  • Used Axios for requesting data(Asynchronous)
  • Authenticated user input using Vueliate
  • Managed version using GitHub

Email Survey System_ React, Node & MongoDb, 2017

Designed and created applications to allow people to check customers’ trends by email

  • Implemented external interface with React and Redux front-end
  • Made web requests to server via RESTful Web Service using Node back-end
  • Authorised users using Google OAuth (Add passport pkg.)
  • Used Axios for requesting data(Asynchronous)
  • Used redux Thunk to fetch action creator
  • Implemented payments using Stripe
  • Accessed and stored data to Mongo DB using Mongoose
  • Used sendgrid to send email to customers
  • Managed version using GitHub

Blog_ React & Redux, 2017

Designed and created an application to allows users post contents

  • Ussed Axios for requesting data(Asynchronous)
  • Authorized user data using Redux Form
  • Saved data using Redux Blog(

Online-Bulletin-Board ASP.NET Core, 2017

Create a board application that allows users post contents

  • Built data base using entity framework
  • Displayed pages using bootstrap
  • Implemented a content input page using Trumbowyg

Chatting app_ Andriod & Firebase, 2017

Create a chatting app that allows users communicate each other.

  • Authorized users and Store data using Firebase
  • Displayed chatting context using Recyclerview
  • Implemented navigation view using Fragment

Blog_ Java Spring, 2017

Built an application that allows users to write, view, and modify contents

  • Stored data in Oracle DB using JDBC
  • Implemented view pages using JSP with EL, JSTL

Management System for Car Deal shop_ ASP.NET, 2017

Designed and created an application to manage vehicles, clients and invoices etc., on car dealer shop

  • Implemented navigation bar using user controls
  • Encrypted user password using MD5
  • Saved data using ADO.NET

Sign-up_ Java EE MVC, 2016

Constructed a wireframe of a login-based web application using MVC Servlet, JSP with EL, JSTL and JavaBean

  • Encrypted user password using Bcript
  • Accessed MySQL DB using JDBC

Management for Game Title shop_ Java FX, 2016

Created an application to manage game titles on game rental shop.

  • Composed display interface using JavaFx.
  • Stored data on a file using ArrayList.

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